Monday, June 20, 2011

Clothes Shopping

Now is NOT the time for me to be clothes shopping. I know this. Finances are tight. However, I found myself at the mall yesterday afternoon with my sister and my tornado-surviving niece. I wasn't planning on buying anything at all, but Banana Republic was having a great sale. I found two suitable-for-work sweaters for me and six shirts/blouses, suitable for school for Princess Penelope. All told, I spent  $64 for $475 worth of clothes at BR. I would never pay $475 for what we got normally, but $64, I can handle. Then we went to Belk and I spent an additional $69 on two dresses and two pairs of jeans for the Princess.

Some of that may possibly be going back since Penelope was not here to try them on. Jeans especially can be a hard fit. But, I wasn't going to leave $90 jeans on the rack when the current selling price was $13. I will return them if they don't fit. Same with everything else. I think the blouses will be no problem. I messaged her pictures of the clothes when I got them, and she liked everything, so now its just a matter of fit. If it works out, great, I've got a start on back to school shopping. If it doesn't, well, the mall is really really close by and returns are easy!


  1. Those prices are AMAZING!! Hope the Princess loves everything! Though, if she's as picky as my child was at that age you were taking a big risk:)

  2. Well, I was texting her pictures as I was shopping. And I double checked the return policy to be certain I could return whatever doesn't fit or she doesn't like when she sees it in person. I have a pretty decent handle on her personal style, although I do sometimes come home with some misses. She's pretty good about saying she doesn't like something so it doesn't just languish in the closet unworn. Well, she is NOW, she used to "not want to hurt my feelings" until I finally explained that it hurts my feelings a lot more to have to work "X" number of hours to pay for something she doesn't even want to wear! She finally got it.
