Friday, December 7, 2012

Is That Much TP Really Necessary?

This week's grocery shopping was basicaly focused on stockpiling --- snacks for when the Princess comes home and TP because it was about as cheap as it ever gets!!! I was a bit embarrassed when the bag boy asked me whose house we were planning on rolling.... Anyway, this is what I picked up this week:

3 12 Packs Angel Soft
1 Country Crock Spread
1 Publix Sour Cream
1 Arnold Whole Grain Bread
1 Publix Milk
3 Special K Crackers
3 Special K Popcorn Crackers
2 Juicy Juicy Fruitfuls 8 Packs
1 Publix Hot Chocolate (Penny Item!)
1 Kelloggs Pop Tarts
2 Gevalia Coffees (after Publix and Manufacturer Coupons these were $1/bag!)
2 T-Bonz Dog Treats -- 25 oz size (this is what Santa is bringing Thing 1 and Thing 2)
1 Oscar Mayer Ham

Spent: $49.00
Saved: $64.81 or 57%

I think what I find really stunning is that without working the coupons and sales, all of this would have cost $113.81. It is just amazing to me. Now, granted, had I not been able to get those bags of dog treats for $2.20 each, I wouldn't have bought them --- because regular price those are almost $15 worth in dog treats! But, Santa always brings the Pups something, so this is affordable, at least! But still, grocery prices currently have me going "Wow".


  1. Great job! Especially on those dog treats. I always try to bulk buy paper products everytime they go on sale, because it seems that is not often.

    1. Oops, forgot to say. TP doesn't spoil or expire, so what's the problem with buying a lot at one time? As long as you have where to store it, I see no issue. I keep my extra cases in my car trunk!

  2. I'm with you - it's kind of nuts to see how much (or rather, how little) $100 will buy at the grocery store.
