Sunday, December 16, 2012

Just A Quick Follow Up.....

I still have a job. It is complicated, but basically, through legal maneuvering and more bureaucracy.... well the BIG decision is once again postponed. Likely the postponement will be anywhere from 3 months to 2 years. So, for the next while, I am still employed! Yea!

Things have been slow the past month or so in my "temporary" reassignment -- I'm basically making sure I look busy or seeking out other stuff to do to keep myself busy day in and day out. I know that this is likely a temporary lull based on the past year's worth of work, but it does make me nervous.

I keep thinking that maybe I need to be more actively looking for another position. However, I've had some co-workers do that and the grass has not ended up being greener. For most of them it has ended up being kind of a "dog spot brown". Also, there's the matter of benefits...... my benefits are actually really good. The health insurance is affordable -- and given that I paid a total of $105.15 out of pocket for my surgery earlier this fall ($100 hospital co-pay, $3 lab co-pay and $2.15 pain med co-pay), its actually very good coverage! And then there's the 401(k) --- my company pays 12% into my 401(k) regardless of whether or not I contribute a dime (subject to a vesting schedule, of course) --- that goes a long way towards making up for the fact that I waited WAY late in the game to start putting $$$ aside for retirement. I do, however, put some aside myself! Add in 12 paid sick days, 12 paid vacation days and 11 holidays (if I'm counting right).... well, it is a NICE benefit package. Oh, and did I mention it takes me all of 10 minutes to get to work.... and that's IF I hit every single light!

For now, I'm staying put. The resume IS polished up. I'm somewhat passively looking, and if the right opportunity presented itself, I'd take it, but for now... I really like where I am.


  1. Those are some very remarkable benefits. 12% of your pay is already contributed to your 401k? Wow. That's just fantastic. I wouldn't want to leave either unless you have to, but preparing for the worse may help.

  2. If you ever find yourself not busy or creating value at work then definitely, definitely get ready for a change. Even if your employer doesn't eliminate the position, it's just not good for your own self-worth.

    1. I should learn to keep my mouth shut... after saying that... I got slammed with work today! Oh well. And throughout this year of somewhat boredom, I have considered changing -- but the reality is, that what I normally do, I LOVE doing. L-O-V-E LOVE IT. So, I'm trying to keep my eye on the prize and just get through this. Hopefully sooner rather than later!
