Sunday, December 9, 2012

Moving Day

This morning I'm heading down to The Princess's school to pack up most of her dorm room and move her stuff back. Her last final is tomorrow and she will officially move home on Tuesday. I'll leave her the essentials, but we will get everything we can into my car today. I have a strong feeling that she has not decided at all, what, if anything, is "essential". Fabulous.

I spent yesterday morning getting the house into tiptop shape so that it can handle the onslaught of the Princess's "stuff".  Then I spent the rest of the day with a friend, having lunch and browsing at the mall. I managed to get through a whole mall without buying a single thing. Although, I must confess, poor planning had me heading back later to exchange some sheets. But all in all it was a fantastic day!

So, off to college town I go --- I am NOT looking forward to the drive!!!!!

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