Sunday, October 16, 2011

Way Too Much To Do.....And Not Enough Time To Do It!

This weekend has come and gone SO fast, but its been a really good one! Friday night, I pretty much piddled around the house, straightening here and there, but for the most part, just chilling out. Saturday, I got most of the laundry done --- washed, dried and folded. Cleaned the rest of the house from top to bottom, save for the office and Princess Penelope's room (she's on her own in that disaster! but she got it done, too).

After my cleaning fit, I met friends to watch Alabama stomp all over Ole Miss then came home and went to bed. This morning, the pups actually let me sleep all the way to 7:30 ---- whoo hoo! I got up, had my coffee, read my paper, and then got busy again. Last load of laundry done. And I started working through the disaster I call my home office. At the beginning of the day, you couldn't walk through it. Now, while not complete, you can see the floor! We made about 15 trips up to the curb for "stuff" to be picked up by the City. And I also have four big boxes full of "stuff" to take to the Salvation Army. I've got a huge box full of stuff to be shredded (my shredder and I are about to become BFFs!). And the garbage can will barely close.

After I finally cleaned and sorted just about all I could, I got busy on dinner --- which has now been consumed and cleaned up. And all I can saw is "whew!" I am worn out! Hope y'all had a fabulous weekend!!!


  1. This weekend went by too fast! Our house is so messy though, I wish we would've cleaned more.

  2. Me and my dad started cleaning the garage... and I'm with you on the discovery that some rooms DO have floors! We just hadn't seen them in so long, it wasn't hard to forget they were there to begin with.
