Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Tale of 3 Gloves

So, this morning we've been preparing to head to Tuscaloosa for the Alabama/Tennessee Game. We've been beyond excited! Princess has already left with some friends (and their parents) and I'll meet them down there later today. As she was getting ready, it occurred to us that while the temperatures will be nice during the day for tailgating, that won't be the case for the actual game itself. We're looking at mid 60s today and low 40s tonight. A twenty degree shift minimum.

So, I went to the drawer where I keep hats and gloves. And I found 3 single gloves. No mates. And both of my two favorites were not in the drawer! WTH? Of course since the last time I had gloves on was probably in FEBRUARY, I have NO CLUE where the gloves are. Princess managed to borrow a pair from the friend she was riding with and I was at least able to put together a right and a left glove that are both  black so that at least my fingers will be cozy. But sheesh! New gloves were NOT on my shopping list this winter!!!!!!


  1. Uh oh. That's definitely not good news... wonder where they went? To the land of the lost socks? The fields of almost-white t-shirts? Maybe the lint bunnies got them! Regardless, I am glad it worked out in the end. Hope you can find them before you make the choice to buy new ones.

  2. That stinks! That tends to happen to me every fall/winter.

  3. I'm really hoping we can hold off on purchasing any new ones until Black Friday -- usually I can find a great deal then! We definitely ended up needing them in the stadium last night!

  4. Sounds like MY glove drawer lol! Put them on your Christmas list!
