Sunday, January 8, 2012

Not QUITE According to Plan

Yesterday, when I left for the store, it was a bit rainy out, so I fully intended to get my freezer cooking done yesterday. Rainy days are perfect for being cooped up and therefore getting stuff done. When I got home from the store, I unloaded the groceries, took the picture for this blog (that post will come later), realized that it was now the 7th and I'd spent over half of the month's grocery budget. My plan there is other than milk and "super deals", to not buy anything else! Here's hoping!

By the time I had put up the groceries, straightened the kitchen to get busy cooking, the sun was shining brightly. I went outside and it was warm and bright outside and the yard was quickly drying up. Hmmm, warm and sunny in January? That can only mean one thing: yard work and air drying clothes! (Okay, that's 2 things!)

So, I put my sheets in to wash (I got totally addicted to air dried sheets during last summer's no dryer experiment), changed clothes into my yard grubbies and went outside to work. What a glorious day! I cut back perennials that had gone to seed. Harvested some seeds from my favorite (I'll try my hand at propagating). Moved some rocks my Dad had brought me in October to their permanent home. Removed a "scrub" bush with loppers and a pick axe. Filled two barrels with yard debris and carted them to the curb for pickup. All in all a VERY productive day. (The only drawback was that I ended up having to put my sheets in the dryer to finish up last night, just not enough sunlight for them to dry all the way outside.)

Today, however, I have realized that my yard muscles are sorely out of shape! When I woke up, I just groaned. Everything aches. However, I still have that freezer cooking to do and a house to clean and laundry to finish up. So aching muscles aside, today should be very productive too! Here's hoping!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds very productive! My "not quite according to plan" days usually end up with me being lazy and getting nothing done :-(
