Friday, June 29, 2012

Not Really Groceries

Lately I've noticed that often if I go do my grocery shopping after work on the day the sale starts, a LOT of my favored deals have already disappeared. This is always frustrating to me. This week I realized that pretty much everything I wanted at "stock up" price was NON perishable and could sit the afternoon out in my care, so I made a 7 a.m. trip to Publix on Wednesday to take advantage of the deals!

This is NOT what I'd call a "grocery" trip, but more a household consumable trip featuring rock bottom prices (or close to rock bottonm) for things we use all the time.

So here's what I grabbed in my 15-minute-pre-work-shopping-extravaganza:

4 Herbal Essences Shampoos
4 Herbal Essences Conditioners
2 Dial Liquid Handsoap
8 Purina Busy Bone Packs
1 Publix Tortilla Chips (Penny Item!)

Spent: $27.05
Saved: $38.95 - or 59%


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