Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tis The Season to be Stressed!

This Christmas season has seemed to fly by faster than most. I'm not sure why that is. My Christmas Shopping is completed. The decorations are up. But nothing has seemed to so incredibly smooth. Perhaps it was getting the cruds right at Thanksgiving which had me somewhat down and out for 2 weeks and that are still hanging around a bit even now. Maybe its starting a new position at work. Maybe its the fact that I haven't walked in the door before 8 p.m. except one single night for 2 weeks. And when I do, I'm exhausted. What ever it is, it seems to be speeding up the countdown to Christmas. Or at least my timeline.

I have cookies to bake. And sausage balls. And sweet potato biscuits. And cheese grits. And casseroles. And various other things. I haven't made a recipe list. I haven't made a shopping list. I'm not even sure if I have flour in the pantry, much less the other required ingredients!

I haven't wrapped the first present. I haven't even checked my stock to be sure I HAVE the appropriate wrapping. Sigh. I need an extra 12 hours in each day for the next week. THEN maybe I'll feel caught up. Anyone else feeling the time pinch this year?

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