Monday, December 12, 2011

Wish Me Luck

Today I start my new position at work. I'm nervous, I'm frazzled..... so much so that I didn't even hit "snooze" this morning! It is an odd thing to wake up and know that although everything has changed, it really hasn't changed quite that much. I'll still dress the same. I'll still leave the house at the same time. I'll still park in the same place....but now my desk will be in a different spot, I'll have new immediate co-workers, I'll have a new supervisor, and I'll be learning all new stuff. It is kind of a "yikes" and "phew" all rolled into one!

So wish me luck today as I start this brand new adventure. I'm so lucky in so many ways. I'm so thankful in so many ways. But dang it, I'm nervous! Happy Monday!