Friday, November 4, 2011

Achy Feet And All of The Rest of Me

I worked 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. on the side gig yesterday. Got some GREAT leads, some great sales and had a fabulous time. Even ran into some old friends! The feet are killing me! I finally dumped myself into bed last night around 11:30 and I'm back up and at it again --- ready for round 2 --- another long day ahead! I'm really really hopeful that the hard work I'm putting in this weekend will pay off in the long run! Again, wish me luck!!!!


  1. Glad you're finding some time to have some fun. Best of luck. Hope the rest of the weekend goes this well.

  2. At least you are having fun while your feet hurt :-) good luck!

  3. That is a long day!! Good luck today! :)

  4. Thanks y'all for ALL of the support!!!!! I was too tired to get on the computer last night, but seeing your comments this morning has really boosted my worn out self (AND my achy feet!!!!!)
