Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Just Here

I think I've got the blahs --- after a super busy summer full of anticipation of new beginnings for the Princess and super amounts of stress about where the $$$ for that new beginning, we've gotten to that new beginning and I'm feeling let down about it all.

Money is tighter than it has EVER been. I've got very little until my next payday which is still 10 days away so I can't even finance some of the very inexpensive projects I want to start on. The Princess is not happy in her new beginning. I don't think I ever realized how shy she actually is. Talk about a slap yourself in the forehead moment! She never seemed shy at all before. Likely because she's gone to the same school system with most of the same people since she was 5. She never had to "start over". She's not adjusting well and is already making noises about transferring next year. I'm hoping things will settle in better soon. Until then, that has me constantly worried, but about something I can't do a THING about.

Some things just don't work out the way you want. You can hope. You can pray. But it just doesn't work the way it is "supposed" to. And then you have to figure out where to go from there. But until you figure where to go from here, you are just here.

1 comment:

  1. Quite true. But it is still just the start. And it is a much changed situation for her, as you said she has been in the same environment for way too long. Give her some time and let her warm up to the enviroment. She has to open up and go outside of her comfort zone, and you need to let her flutter a bit around in semi-unsafe ground. Hopefully she grows to like it as the weeks go by.
