Monday, August 29, 2011

A Rough Day

Mondays, by their very nature, are not my favorite day of the week. However, this particular Monday was just not cool. It started out innocently enough.... I got to work and pulled up my computer and dove in to a mound of paperwork. Then WHAM! I got hit with two different phone calls from two different very grumpy people. Fun. So, after I get off those seemingly endless calls, I dove back into my paperwork. Then WHAM! Again. Department meeting in the boss's office.....with the door closed.

This CAN'T be good.

And it wasn't. Basically, our entire department's function is being suspended for anywhere from six months to one year. And this wasn't a management decision, but basically an effect of the temporary contract renewals. Right now, they are saying that we won't be laid off because they feel that this will be resolved in six months and the cost to train new hires to do our jobs in six months would be grossly prohibitive. That comes from our Big Dogs. However, the board has not met yet to render their decision. And I just have to wonder, how long are they going to be willing to pay us to do very little? We are all willing to do ANYTHING that we need to do, however, I'm just not sure there will BE much for us to do.

My first instinct is to start trying to find a new job now. However, I'm also on the fence because I LOVE my job and I LOVE the company I work for. The benefits are AMAZING, and the salary is more than I have ever made in my life. Its also flexible and my bosses straight up the line are terrific to work for.

I've worked in places where I had a stomache ache each day just getting up and knowing I was going to have to go to work. Up until now, I haven't had that problem. Now I imagine I will wake up each morning wondering if this is the day I become unemployed.

I see a lot of sleepless nights in my future.


  1. Couldn't hurt to possibly line up some temp jobs or something part time??? Always better to be proactive than reactive.

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

  2. awww, I hope things work out for you. If you are interested in making a little extra money on your blog, I am looking for more people for my marketing team that want to market on their blogs! :) Would love to have you on my team! You already blog, so you could do it! :) Erin

  3. Thanks Ladies!!!! I'm weighing my options and trying to find room in the budget for some serious slashing. I'm going to try and up my savings while at the same time maintain my current level of debt payoff.

    I'm fortunate that since I rent from my Dad, if I did lose my job, I wouldn't lose my home. However, all things considered, I'd prefer to NOT have to use that safety net!

  4. Oh that's too bad! I hope it all works out for you in the end... I'd be on the lookout for something temporary at least though, just in case!
